
UCL Electrochemical Innovation Lab


CDT Funding & Partnerships

The CDT is part of the Midlands Energy Consortium (MEC), which promotes and invests in energy research, and is host to the Energy Technologies Institute. The CDT, on behalf of the MEC, was awarded £5.5 million from RCUK to establish and run its centre for doctoral training in hydrogen, fuel cells and their applications - the first of its kind in the UK.

It has established links with International Research Centres (Germany, France, USA, Canada and Japan) and Doctoral Researchers can benefit from opportunities to collaborate overseas.Ìý

For industrial collaborations the EIL offers students which have access to one of the largest labs in the UK with state-of-the-art equipment including:

  • HD thermal imaging camera (FLIR) with lock-in capability
  • BTC-500 Calorimeter (HEL)
  • QGA - Gas analysis system (Hiden Analytical Ltd) with capillary flow probe
  • DXR Raman with fibre optic probe and stage (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA)
  • dedicated SEM with EDX
  • Zeiss Versa micro- X-ray CT and Ultra nano- X-ray CT
  • 7 electrochemical work stations (all with EIS) and up to 40A capability
  • 4 fuel cell test stations
  • CAD/CAM for bespoke cell design and MEA fabrication facilities

UCL also has central facilities for materials characterisation including TEM, SAXS, XPS, XRD, etc.