

UCL Engineering


New լƵ Mechanical Engineering graduate joins Lewis Hamilton's diversity commission

1 October 2020

George Imafidon, who finished his լƵ MEng Mechanical Engineering degree this summer, is one of 14 members of the Hamilton Commission set up to improve diversity in Formula One and engineering.

Headshot of լƵ Mechanical Engineering graduate George Imafidon

George,who has achieveda First Class mechanical engineering degree,chaired the #AB1Million campaign to raise £1 million for the Amos Bursary to ensure talented men of African and Caribbean descent have access to top higher education institutions.He is also co-founder and director of Motivez, a social enterprise and app which connects young people of all backgrounds to career and development opportunities.

The Hamilton Commission has beenset up byFormula One world champion Lewis Hamilton and the Royal Academy of Engineering to improve the representation of black people in engineering and motorsport.

Speaking of his appointment and the aims of the Commission, George states:

“I’m excited about the Hamilton Commission and I truly believe that this is the beginning of greater things to come, as we continue on our mission to support more young people into engineering. Inclusion and excellence go hand in hand. Lewis Hamilton has used his platform as the first driver of colour and six-times Formula One world champion to advocate for greater diversity in motorsport and I’m very pleased to be working with him to make this a reality.”

Read the full story on the UCL News website

With thanks to Mark Greaves.


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  • George Imafidon