
Innovation & Enterprise


Future Industries Demonstrator funding terms and conditions

  1. Your application must include a partner company participating in the Future Industries Demonstrator programme, in either the December 2023 to April 2024 cohort, or the May to October 2024 cohort. The companies include Carbon Cell, Fibre Lab Collective Ltd, MapMortar (Mortar.io Ltd), Material Index, Seastex Ltd, Shaded, and Yodomo Ltd.
  2. By using the funds, you agree to abide by the conditions laid out below and in the award letter. All projects should adhere to Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ Code of Conduct for Research.
  3. This grant cannot be transferred to another organisation or UCL member of staff.
  4. UCL applicants must not possess ownership stakes in the partner company, or be employed by them.
  5. Funds may only be used for the costs described in your application. Any changes must be authorised by UCL Innovation & Enterprise (e.g. if you need an extension, or to spend money on something different to that outlined in the application).
  6. The following costs and activities cannot be covered:
    1. Indirect, estates and generic administrative costs
    2. Costs associated with the protection of intellectual property
    3. Research activity (e.g. any activity that could normally be funded through research grants)
    4. Public engagement activities that do not involve a two-way exchange of knowledge (e.g. one-way dissemination or broadcast)
    5. Conference attendance (unless the project has developed a strategic, targeted intervention to take place during the event aimed at establishing or strengthening a non-academic relationship)
    6. Projects associated with student startups.
  7. The project’s PI will be required to take part in the monitoring and reporting processes associated with the scheme and the development of case studies.
  8. The project PI must ensure that an appropriate collaboration agreement is in place with any partners, where applicable. This must be arranged via your Department’s Research Contracts Manager.
  9. The PI is responsible for ensuring any person engaged, employed, or who may volunteer to work on this project (including students, postdoctoral research assistants, sponsored researchers, etc.) complies fully with the UK legislation on right to work throughout any time they are participating on the project. For example, some students will have a restriction on the number of hours they can work in one week. For more information please check the UCL HR website and/or contact your local HR team or HR Business Partner for assistance.
  10. The PI is responsible for ensuring the partner organisation liaises with UCL Business and Research Contracts Office to protect the value of any Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ intellectual property (IP) and signs a UCL Research Services contract if the project involves use of IP.
  11. Funds will be distributed using the normal UCL financial regulations and systems. All successful applicants will be issued with an award letter from the Executive Director, UCL Innovation & Enterprise or another approved signatory, which will provide details of the sum awarded, any specific conditions associated with the project (usually set by reviewers or the Innovation & Enterprise Funding Committee), and the project’s unique reference number. Funds will be allocated to the PI’s department and projects will be assigned a dedicated Departmental MyFinance project code.

    To allow auditing and monitoring according to EPSRC requirements, costs should be charged directly to the dedicated account, rather than by transferring money to other accounts.

    All projects will have a start and end date. No commitments can be made outside these dates. After the end date, departments will have 3 months to process invoices, etc., then the project will be shut down.

    Any unaccounted costs or underspends will be reclaimed for re-use within further calls.

    It is the responsibility of PIs to monitor the expenditure and budget. The day-to-day management of the funds and any overspends in expenditure outside the funds awarded will be the responsibility of the PI’s department. UCL Innovation & Enterprise are not responsible for the day-to-day management of the funds.
  12. Awardees will be required to acknowledge UCL EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account support in any published outcomes (including media communication) associated with the award.