
UCL European Institute


Paris in French Literature

SELCS Turing Summer School in July 2022, led by Thibaut Maus de Rolley

Montmartre streets at dusk

Hosted at ULIP (University of London Institute in Paris), the Turing-funded SELCS Paris Summer School held in July 2022 offered students a combination of 16 hours of seminar teaching on ‘Paris in French Literature’ and a series of site-specific activities (museum visits, guided tours, theatre trips).

This summer school was led and taught by  , Associate Professor, SELCS.

Seminar topics, activites and independent study

Each seminar session was structured around a period, an author, and a theme related to a specific area of Paris. We:

  • explored the Quartier Latin and the early history of Parisian universities with François Rabelais’s Pantagruel (1532);
  • then, Paris as a place of theatrical activity and street performances with seventeenth-century accounts of Parisian fairs;
  • Haussmann’s renovation of Paris and the rise of Parisian department stores with Emile Zola’s Au Bonheur des Dames (1883);
  • the cultural effervescence of Montparnasse in the inter-war period with Alice Prin’s (aka Kiki de Montparnasse) autobiographical writings;
  • the development of automobile factories and North-African immigration in the 1950s and 1960s with Claire Etcherelli’s Elise ou la vraie vie (1967);
  • the experience of second- and third-generation immigrés in Parisian suburbs with Faïza Guène’s Kiffe-kiffe demain (2004).

These sessions were complemented by several activities directly linked to the topics discussed: guided tours of various Parisian neighbourhoods (Le Quartier Latin, Montparnasse, La Goutte-d'Or), theatre trips (Molière’s Le Bourgeois gentilhomme at the Comédie-Française), museum visits (Le Musée d’Orsay).

These two weeks of intensive group activity were followed by two weeks of self-guided independent study in the city, during which students researched and wrote their summative coursework essay, and wrote blogposts for an interactive map of Paris documenting their personal explorations of the city.

“This very first Paris Summer School was a wonderful experience. My students felt privileged to have been given this opportunity to immerse themselves in French culture, art and history – not to mention French cafés and guinguettes. As the tutor and convenor of the course, it was a very enriching experience for me too. It gave me a great opportunity to explore new topics and authors; to meet and collaborate with new colleagues (from ULIP); to teach in different ways, in the streets and outside the classroom; and last but not least, to get to know my students a bit better. (Thibaut Maus de Rolley)

Some of the books studied

Faïza Guène’s Kiffe-kiffe demain

Claire Etcherelli’s Elise ou la vraie vie (1967)

 Emile Zola’s Au Bonheur des Dames (1883)
Title-page of a c. 1532 edition of Pantagruel