
Graduation Ceremonies


Graduation Schedule 2024

Get ready to celebrate our newest graduating class!

Please find below the schedule for UCL Graduations in 2024, listed by Faculty. Students who completed the registration of interest on Portico have been emailed directly to confirm their ceremony date and time*.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Arts and Sciences BASc (PG)


Slade School of Fine Art (PG) 

Information Studies (PG) 

Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry (PG) 

Philosophy (PG) 

English Language and Literature (PG) 

Greek and Latin (PG)   

Hebrew and Jewish Studies (PG) 

School of European Languages (PG) 

11:45, Wednesday 22nd May

School of European Languages (UG) 

Hebrew and Jewish Studies (UG) 

Information Studies (UG) 

Greek and Latin (UG) 


10:00, Tuesday 3rd September

European and International Social and Political Studies (UG) 

Arts and Sciences BASc (UG) 

English Language and Literature (UG) 

Slade School of Fine Art (UG) 

Philosophy (UG) 

12:45, Tuesday 3rd September
Faculty of Brain Sciences
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences (PG) 10:00, Friday 24th May

Ear Institute (PG) 

Division of Psychiatry (PG) 

Institute of Neurology (PG) 

The Institute of Prion Diseases (PG) 

Institute of Ophthalmology (PG) 

Division of Psychology and Language Sciences (PG): MSc Human-Computer Interaction and MSc Language Sciences 

12:45, Friday 24th May

Division of Psychology and Language Sciences (UG) 

18:15, Wednesday 4 September
The Bartlett, UCL Faculty of The Built Environment

School of Architecture (PG) 

Development Planning Unit  (PG)

10:00, Tuesday 21st May

School of Planning (PG) 

Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction (PG) 

Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (PG) 

Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management (PG)

12:45, Tuesday 21st May

Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (PG) 

Institute for Global Prosperity (PG) 

Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (PG)  

Urban Laboratory (PG) 

15:30, Tuesday 21st May             

School of Architecture (UG) 

School of Sustainable Construction (incl School of Construction and Project Management) (UG) 

Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (UG) 

School of Planning (UG) 

10:00, Friday 6 September
Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Science, Technology, Engineering & Public Policy (PG) 

Computer Science (PG) 

Biochemical Engineering (PG) 

Chemical Engineering (PG) 

12:45, Thursday 23rd May

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (PG)  

Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (PG) 

Mechanical Engineering (PG) 

Electronic and Electrical Engineering (PG) 

Security and Crime Science (PG) 

Centre for Mathematics, Physics & Engineering in the Life Sciences & Experimental Biology (PG) 

15:30, Thursday 23rd May
School of Management (PG)18:15, Thursday 23rd May
School of Management (PG) - PKU MBA Graduates15:15, Monday 8th July

Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (UG) 

UCL School of Management (UG) 

Security and Crime Science (UG) 

Mechanical Engineering (UG) 

12:45, Wednesday 4th September

Electronic and Electrical Engineering (UG) 

Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (UG) 

Biochemical Engineering (UG) 

Chemical Engineering (UG) 

Computer Science (UG) 

15:30, Wednesday 4th September
Faculty of Life Sciences
Division of Biosciences (UG) 

10:00, Thursday 5th September

Division of Biosciences (PG)

Division of Biosciences (UG): Biomed & Pharmacology 

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit (PG) 

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour (PG) 

Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology (PG) 

12:45, Thursday 5th September   
School of Pharmacy (UG + PG) 15:30, Thursday 5th September
Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Mathematics (UG + PG) 

Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (UG +PG) 

Earth Sciences (UG + PG)  

Space and Climate Physics (PG) 

12:45, Monday 2nd September    

Science and Tecnology Studies (UG + PG) 

Physics and Astronomy (UG + PG) 

Natural Sciences (UG) 

15:30, Monday 2nd September

Chemistry (UG + PG) 

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (PG) 

Statistical Science (UG + PG) 

18:15, Monday 2nd September
Faculty of Medical Sciences

Eastman Dental Institute (PG) 

Cancer Institute (PG) 

Division of Surgery and Interventional Science (PG) 

Division of Infection and Immunity (PG) 

Division of Medicine (PG) 

Medical school (PG) 

10:00, Thursday 23rd May                              

Medical School (MBBS) (UG) 12:30, Monday 8th July

Division of Infection and Immunity (UG)  

UCL Cancer Institute (UG)  


Division of Medicine (UG)  

Division of Surgery & Interventional Science (UG)

18:15, Thursday 5th September

Faculty of Population Health Sciences

Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care (PG) 

UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care (UG) 

UCL GOS Institute of Child Health (PG) 

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women's Health (PG) 

15:15, Monday 8th July               

Institute of Cardiovascular Science (PG) 

Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (PG) 

Institute for Global Health (PG) 

Global Business School for Health (PG) 

Institute of Health Informatics (PG) 

18:00, Monday 8th July
Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences

History of Art (PG) 

Economics (PG) 

Anthropology (PG) 

Institute of Archaeology (PG) 

15:30, Wednesday 22nd May 

Political Science (PG) 

History (PG) 

Institute of the Americas (PG) 

Geography (PG) 

18:15, Wednesday 22nd May

Economics (UG) 

History of Art (UG) 

Anthropology (UG) 

Institute of Archaeology (UG) 

15:30, Tuesday 3rd September

Geography (UG) 

History (UG) 

Institute of Americas (UG) 

Political Sciences (UG)

18:15, Tuesday 3rd September
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society

Culture, Communication and Media (PG) 

Institute of Education (PG)  

Social Research Institute (PG) 

12:45, Monday 20th May

Education, Practice and Society (PG) 

Psychology and Human Development (PG) 

15:30, Monday 20th May

Learning and Leadership (PG) 

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (PG) 

EdD (Doctors in Education) (PG) 

18:15, Monday 20th May
PGCE/PGDE (PG)18:15, Tuesday 21st May

Education, Practice and Society (UG) 

Social Science (UG) 

Psychology and Human Development (UG) 

Social Research Institute (UG) 

Culture, Communication and Media (UG) 

10:00, Wednesday 4th September
Faculty of Laws

Law (UG) 

Law (PG) 

12:45, Friday 6th September

If you are unsure which Faculty your Department belongs to, please check this website.

*Attendance at a graduation ceremony is subject to finalising registration on the graduation portal and your degree being conferred, if it hasn't been already. 

Some Postgraduate (PG) courses will also graduate in the September ceremonies, for students who have undertaken and passed reassessment. 

If you have any questions about your graduation, please start by checking the Graduation FAQs.Â