
Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


New IBIL PhD Scholarship for 2018/19

13 June 2017

IBIL is delighted to announce that it is offering a new scholarship in 2018/19

The scholarship will fund one PhD student to undertake research in the field of Intellectual Property, and will provide a stipend of £18,000 per year for 3 years. Fees at the Home/EU rate are covered (the scholarship is open to international students as well; if successful, an international student would receive a discount on the international fees equivalent to the value of the Home/EU fees, and would need to cover the difference with their own funds).

All applicants to the UCL Laws PhD Programme in the field of Intellectual Property will be considered for the scholarship. The applications period runs from September to November each year - to put yourself forward for the scholarship, simply submit an application to the programme by following the admissions instructions on our admissions website ().

For more information about the academic staff open to supervising PhD research, please click , or email phd-law@ucl.ac.uk with any queries.

IBIL would like to thank its sponsors for their generosity, which has made this scholarship possible.