
Information Services Division


About the Desktop@UCL managed computer service

Desktop @ լÄÐÊÓƵ is a standardised desktop service for UCL staff and students. It can be accessed 'anywhere/anytime' and provides a flexible approach to mobile working with minimal setup.

You are allocated the following on the Filestore @ UCL service:

  • Personal storage area (N: drive) with 100GB of storage capacity.
  • Departmental/shared group data area (S: drive) with at least 200GB of storage.

Key features and benefits to you

  • Uniting all users: Desktop @ UCL plans to unite everyone under a single service for easier collaboration, administration, maintenance and management.
  • Access anytime/anywhere: 'Desktop @ UCL Anywhere' is a service that allows you to access your applications, files and desktop from the convenience of your personal computer or device (e.g. tablet, phone etc.) whether you are onsite or accessing via remote access.
  • Apple devices: If you're a Mac user, you'll be pleased to know we have also ensured you will be able to benefit from the new storage, print and remote working solutions.
  • Peace of mind your data and files are safely and securely stored offsite.

Useful links