
Information Services Division


Using a resource calendar (rooms/equipment/admin)

Resource calendars can be created for booking a room, equipment (such as a shared laptop) or for administrative purposes (to record important dates/events for example). This service is only available to staff.

Uses and features

    • Provides a central calendar that can be opened and booked in Outlook. Calendar resources are booked by sending a meeting invitation to them.
    • Enables departments to implement a booking system for shared resources, such meeting rooms or pieces of equipment.
    • The registered admins of the resource calendar can add add/remove users of the calendar themselves.

      Requesting a resource calendar

      A resource calendar can be requested by logging in to the .
      Once logged in, select Remedyforce Self Service and search for the request form named Resource Calendar Request.

      How do I open or book a resource calendar?

      Resource calendars are opened using the same method in Outlook as an individual's calendar, but they have a specific naming convention within the Global Address Book:

      For a room, the calendar would be named using the following format:

      ~Building Name.Room Number(number of seats).Department Name

      As an example, room 417 in the DMS Watson Bld with 25 seats is listed as:


      For equipment or a general/admin calendar:

      ~Department Name.Calendar Name

      As an example, a loan laptop within ISD could be listed as:

      ~ISD.Loan Laptop

      Calendar resources are booked by adding them as an attendee to a meeting and sending an invitation to them. For assistance with opening a calendar or creating a meeting, see the Calendar How-To guide section of your chosen email client.

      How do I find an available room?

      Some buildings have Room Lists available in Outlook. When you compose a new meeting, select Room Finder beside the Location field and type the building's name within the Building field. A list of rooms which are available for your chosen time slot will be displayed as 'available'.

      Managing access

      Access to a resource calendar is controlled by two security groups, known as Users and Admins. Admins of the resource calendar can change the membership of these groups themselves by using Outlook or OWA (recommended). Members of both the Users group and Admins group can book the calendar, but only the Admins can add/remove group members.

      Security groups

      Resource calendar security groups follow the naming format of the greater-than symbol (>), followed by the calendar name and the level of permission:

      Level of AccessSecurity Group Name FormatExample

      How do I add/remove Users or Admins for a resource calendar?

      See the How-To guide: Modify members of a shared mailbox or resource calendar security group in Outlook Web Access (OWA)

      How-to guides

      Supported applications

      Alternative applications

      All other email clients are unsupported and the documentations created are for reference only. IT Services can only provide limited support for these. See Alternative desktop applications for more information.