
UCL Faculty of Laws


LLB students in national competitions

25 May 2018

Four UCL Faculty of Laws LLB students have emerged as finalists in national legal competitions

UCL Laws representatives compete at the national level

Over the course of the second term of academic year 2017 - 2018, 2 teams comprising 2nd year LLB students Jared Ovsiowitz and Will Saward, and Josh Hearn and Michael Utama, fought hard for UCL Laws at the National Client Interviewing and National Negotiations Competitions respectively.

The National Client Interviewing Competition is the UK’s premier contest in an area of legal skills that pits aspiring solicitors against each other in deriving information from, and providing assistance to clients.  This year’s edition of the Competition was hosted jointly by the University of Law and University of Greenwich.

The National Negotiations Competition brings together the top negotiators of the country, and tests their aptitude as they pore through legal difficulties and disputes with fellow counsel in arriving at a suitable settlement for their clients. This year’s edition of the Competition was sponsored by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution.

Through 3 months of sheer hard work on top of the academic rigour of law school, both of our teams from UCL Laws emerged as finalists of the respective national competitions, placed within the top 10 performing teams of the country. Well done Jared, Will, Josh and Michael,  and thank you for upholding the good name of UCL Laws on the national stage!

Josh Hearn and Michael Utama, finalists at the National Negotiations Competition