

լƵ Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Find out more about equity, diversity and inclusion at the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, from our strategy to our practice.
Equity, diversity and inclusion work has been more a focus for me in recent years, and I have met many colleagues at UCL who are continually striving for a better and more equitable working environment for all. I aim to continue the important work done by Professor Alexandra Olaya-Castro and many other colleauges, and to focus on establishing meaningful partnerships with EDI initiatives, based on compassion, which exist beyond our walls” -Prof Nick Achilleos,Vice-Dean (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in MAPS.
Our understanding of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Our Understanding of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Ensuring fairness must be at the core of the work, research and study experiences in higher education and society.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027

We aim to ensure a culture of inclusivity, collaboration and mutual respect.


MAPS EDI Committee

Staff from across the Faculty taking forward the EDI strategic plan's aims and its goals.

We aim to understand and challenge the systemic and structural biases, inequities and injustices that affect and disadvantage members of our student and staff body.

Our Work on Race Equity

We aim to understand and challenge the systemic and structural biases, inequities and injustices.

Unacceptable behaviours: taking collective responsibility

Challenging Unacceptable Behaviours

We must come together to prevent, challenge and address unacceptable behaviours, and ensure safe and nurturing environments for everyone in our departments and institutes across UCL.

Funding Opportunities

EDI Funding Opportunities

We are relaunching MAPS EDI Funding Call “Take Bold Action for Inclusion.” 

Caring Fund

MAPS Caring Fund

As part of the MAPS EDI Strategic Plan for the period 2022 - 2027, the faculty is relaunching the MAPS Caring Fund.

Athena SWAN

UCL Policies and Guidance

EDI-related policies and guidance, as well as support networks for staff and students.


Related EqualitiesLinks:

UCL Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
UCL Equality Training

Related Harassment & BullyingLinks:

Report & Support

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