
UCL Institute of Mental Health


Call for Mental Health PhD Programme Supervisors

10 March 2020

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The UCL Wellcome 4-year PhD Programme in Mental Health Science is an exciting opportunity for students to train in a wide range of the latest methods and techniques in the field of mental health research. This programme, funded in 2019, is the first of its kind in the UK, representing an investment of over £5 million by the Wellcome Trust. It is based in the UCL Institute of Mental Health, and will recruit six students per year from 2020-2024.

The programme is currently recruiting new primary supervisors (You can find the list of current supervisors on our webpage). If you would like to be considered as a supervisor on the programme please email an application to mhphd@ucl.ac.uk by 5pm on 23rd March. The application should consist of:

  • Short CV (maximum 2 pages), which must include details of: current employment (including UCL department) and past employment and education; current and recently completed research funding; a maximum of 10 relevant papers; the number of PhD students supervised as primary supervisor to completion, as well as any other relevant supervisory experience at doctoral level.
  • A statement (maximum 300 words) describing: motivation for joining the Programme as a supervisor; research interests and experience specifically related to mental health, including the Theme that is most relevant to your research; supervisory experience; commitment to Wellcome's "" agenda

We are keen to recruit early career researchers to the supervisor list, and having supervised a PhD student to completion is not a criterion for selection. However, all supervisors must be eligible to supervise PhD students as a primary supervisor.