
UCL News


Farewell to Stanley Hearnden

1 August 2011


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Last week, colleagues from across UCL mingled with former colleagues from the past 20 years at a reception to mark popular UCL Porter Stanley Hearnden's departure after 38 years of service.

Stanley began working at UCL in 1973 - the same year that saw the UK enter the European Union, the official opening of Sydney Opera House and the introduction of VAT.

The event, organised by Stan's colleagues, gave people a chance to reflect on the many changes at UCL over the past four decades. Professor Michael Worton, Vice-Provost (International), paid tribute to Stan's indomitable cheerfulness throughout his time at UCL. In his response, Stan entertained those present with anecdotes from different moments during his time at UCL, sprinkling his comments with his catchphrase, known to many: "It doesn't make sense".


Images from top: Stanley Hearnden who retired last week after 38 years at UCL; Stan with colleagues at his farewell reception.