
UCL News


Sodexo begin as UCL Bloomsbury campus main catering supplier on 27 January

16 January 2014

In little over a week, Sodexo will become the main catering supplier at University College London, bringing a fresh new food offer to the Refectory and Wilkins Building, Engineering Café, Bentham House, Institute of Child Health and the School of Pharmacy.


Sodexo officially takes over on 27 January when, as a consumer, you can expect to start seeing some notable improvements. So, what does Sodexo have in store at UCL?

Following feedback from staff and students across UCL's Bloomsbury campus, and an in-depth assessment of the local competition, Sodexo will be:

  • Looking to harmonise pricing across the campus by summer this year
  • Diversifying the offer to appeal to range of tastes and budgets
  • Supporting UCL's sustainable food policy
  • Using the local food community to bring something unique to UCL
  • Improving service standards through an engaged workforce with a 'one team' approach

While Sodexo looks to make an immediate impact at UCL, it will not rest on its laurels. In fact, it plans to deliver continual improvements through your feedback. It will measure customer satisfaction by engaging with the NUS, listening to your views and opinions and conducting an onsite survey.

Look out for the Sodexo team onsite next week, and please take the time to share your views with them.

Once Sodexo is up and running at UCL, it will employ a customer experience manager, who will be responsible for communicating a whole host of promotions and special offers, engaging with customers through social media and maintaining a constant temperature check to ensure that whatever Sodexo does at UCL, it fits with your needs and expectations.

For more information and to check progress, follow the Sodexo team on Twitter at . And if you have a question about how the service is going to change on campus, email catering.ucl.uk@sodexo.com.

Ian Wright, Soft Services Manager, UCL Estates