
Department of Political Science


Dr Jonathan Monten

Associate Professor in Political Science
Room: G.02, 31 Tavistock Square
Telephone: 020 3108 9296 (ext. 59296)
Email: j.monten@ucl.ac.uk


I am Associate Professor in Political Science and Director of the International Public Policy Programme at UCL. My research and teaching interests are in the areas of international relations, international security, and U.S. foreign policy. My work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including International Security, International Studies Quarterly, Security Studies, and Perspectives on Politics. I have previously held postdoctoral research fellowships at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, and the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy at Yale University. I received my PhD from the Department of Government at Georgetown University.


Journal articles
  • Gift, T. and Monten, J. (2020) ‘’,ÌýForeign Policy Analysis, 17(1).
  • Monten, J. and Plumb, R. I. (2020) ‘’,ÌýJournal of Strategic Studies, 45(4), pp. 615–636.
  • Busby, J., Kafura, C., Monten, J. and Tama, J. (2020) ‘’,ÌýForeign Policy Analysis, 16(1), pp. 118–129.
  • Monten, J. (2014) ‘’,ÌýAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 656(1), pp. 173–191.
  • Downes, A. B. and Monten, J. (2013) ‘’,ÌýInternational Security, 37(4), pp. 90–131.
  • Busby, J. and Monten, J. (2012) ‘’,ÌýPolitical Science Quarterly, 127(1), pp. 105–142.
  • Monten, J., and Wilson, J. L. (2011) ‘’,Ìý°Õ³ó±ðÌýReview of Politics, 73(4), pp. 633–647.
  • Bennett, A. and Monten, J. (2010) ‘’,ÌýSecurity Studies, 19(3), pp. 486–520.
  • Busby, J. and Monten, J. (2008) ‘’,ÌýPerspectives on Politics, 6(3), pp. 451–472.
  • Monten, J. (2007) ‘’,ÌýGlobal Governance, 13(1), pp. 101–133.
  • Monten, J. (2006) ‘’,ÌýInternational Studies Quarterly, 50(1), pp. 3–26.
  • Monten, J. and Provost, M. (2005) ‘’,ÌýAsian Security, 1(3), pp. 285–303.
  • Monten, J. (2005) ‘’,ÌýInternational Security, 29(4), pp. 112–156.
Book chapters
  • Busby, J. and Monten, J. (2018) ‘’,Ìýin R. Jervis, F. J. Gavin, J. Rovner, and D. Labrosse (eds.) Chaos in the Liberal Order: The Trump Presidency and International Politics in the 21st Century. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Downes, A. B. and Monten, J. (2018) ‘’,Ìýin A. T. Thrall and B. H. Friedman (eds.) U.S. Grand Strategy in the 21st Century: The Case for Restraint. New York: Routledge.
  • Busby, J., Kafura, C., Monten, J., Smeltz, D. and Tama, J. (2017) ‘’,Ìýin J. M. McCormick (ed.) The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Other publications
  • Monten, J., Busby, J., Kertzer, J. D., Smeltz, D. and Tama, J. (2020) ‘’,ÌýForeign Affairs Snapshot.
  • Tama, J., Busby, J., Helm, B., Kafura, C., Kertzer, J. D., Monten, J. and Smeltz, D. (2020) ‘’,Ìý°Õ³ó±ðÌýChicago Council on Global Affairs.
  • Busby, J., Friedhoff, K., Kafura, C., Monten, J. and Smeltz, D. (2017) ‘’,ÌýThe Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
  • Busby, J. and Monten, J. (2017) ‘’,ÌýH-Diplo/ISSF Policy Roundtable.
  • Busby, J., Kafura, C., Monten, J., Smeltz, D. and Tama, J. (2016) ‘’,Ìý RealClearWorld.
  • Busby, J., Kafura, C., Monten, J., Smeltz, D. and Tama, J. (2015) ‘’,ÌýForeign Affairs Snapshot.
  • Busby, J., Holyk, G., Kafura, C., Monten, J. and Smeltz, D. (2015) ‘’,ÌýThe Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
  • Monten, J. (2015) ‘Review of Just and Unjust Military Intervention: European Thinkers from Vitoria to Mill, by S. Recchia and J. M. Welsh (eds.)’, H-Diplo/ISSF Roundtable Reviews, 7(12).
  • Busby, J., Inboden, W., Monten, J. and Tama, J. (2013) ‘’,ÌýForeign Affairs Snapshot.
  • Monten, J. (2013) ‘’,ÌýH-Diplo/ISSF, Review Essay 18.
  • Downes, A. B. and Monten, J. (2013) ‘’,ÌýBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
  • Busby, J., Inboden, W. and Monten, J. (2012) ‘’,ÌýForeign Affairs Snapshot.
  • Busby, J., and Monten, J. (2011) ‘’,ÌýH-Diplo/ISSF Roundtable 2(4), pp. 6–14.


I teach on ‘Theories of International Relations’, ‘International Security’, ‘Foreign Policy Analysis’ and ‘Big Books in Political Science’.