


Accessing Support Study


The Medical Research Council has granted us funding to investigate what kinds of services young people prefer to use when they are feeling overwhelmed by their situation or at risk of self-harm. Participants in this study have been recruited from an earlier study investigating the impact of sudden bereavement on the emotional health and social functioning of young adults. The research questionnaire will be emailed to each of the 1,000 participants individually in 2013 for online completion.

This page provides further information on the study, and a list of sources of support for people experiencing feelings of distress, despair, or suicidal thoughts. 

Informed consent

Below we have uploaded the study's Information Sheet and Consent Form. By clicking on this link those participating in the study can open a Word document providing further information on informed consent.


  1. All data will be collected and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. 
  2. Confidentiality is assured and further details will be found in the Information Sheet for participants - downloadable above. 
  3. Ethics approval has been granted by the UCL Research Ethics Committee. 

Support for people experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts:

For further information on the study: please email bereavementstudy@ucl.ac.uk