


Information for GP practices


The PANDA trial is funded by the National Institute of Health Research, and is sponsored by University College London. Prof. Glyn Lewis is Chief Investigator.

Participant Recruitment

We would like practices to identify potential participants via both methods of recruitment, record search with mail out, and during consultation. GP's or other practice staff will not be taking informed consent from participants. Recruitment began in June 2014 and is scheduled to finish at the end of August 2017.

Trial Medication

If a patient meets the study criteria, they will be randomised to receive either SERTRALINE (50mg for 1 week, then 100mg for 12 weeks) or a matching PLACEBO

PANDA will issue the trial medication in two 6 week batches followed by a further 4 week batch which will include instructions for tapering. During the trial treatment period unblinding can happen if there are any concerns regarding a participants' health. The GP will be informed at the end of the treatment period if the participant received drug or placebo to inform ongoing treatment decisions.

The trial medication will be dispensed by University Hospitals Bristol Pharmacy and either posted to your practice or the patients home address

Support throughout the trial

Your local PANDA research team will provide the Practice with advice and support in relation to the trial at all stages and will communicate to you all relevant information regarding your patients

Financial Reimbursement

Reimbursement to the Practice for time spent conducting the Trial will be paid by the local Clinical Research Network (CRN) contingent upon the number of searches conducted, and the number of eligible patients randomised into the study. The PANDA team will prepare and upload data to facilitate these payments being made