
Reading Recovery Europe


Review of research

With more than 30 years of data, Reading Recovery is the world’s most widely researched early literacy intervention.

There are many summaries of research studies to date that enable us to identify trends and determine areas for further research.

Reading Recovery Council of North America (2018) The Truth About Reading Recovery. Response to Cook, Rodes, & Lipsitz (2017) from the Reading Recovery Council of North America

Schwartz, R. M. (2015) Oakland University.

What Works Clearinghouse (2013) 'Updated intervention report: Reading Recovery'. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences

Promising Practices Network (2013) RAND Corporation

Schwartz, R. M., Hobsbaum, A., Briggs, C. and Scull, J. (2009) 'Reading Recovery and evidence-based practice: A response to Reynolds and Wheldall (2007)'. , 56 (1), 5-15.

What Works Clearinghouse (2008) 'Intervention report: Reading Recovery'. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences

Florida Center for Reading Research (2008) '. Florida State University.

Allington, R. (2005) ''. Journal of Reading Recovery, 4 (2), 8-11.

Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA) (2002) ''. Report in response to internet letter distributed to members of Congress in Spring 2002.

Pinnell. G. S., (1997). . In J. Squire, J. Flood, & D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communication and Visual Arts (pp. 638-654). New York: Macmillan Library Reference USA. (A project of the International Reading Association).

Herman, R. and Stringfield, S. (1997) 'Ten promising programs for educating all children: Evidence of impact'. Educational Research Service: Arlington, VA, USA.

Shanahan, T. and Barr, R. (1995) Reading Research Quarterly, 30 (4), 958-996.

Shanahan, T. & Barr, R., (1995). . Reading Research Quarterly, 30, 958-996.

Wasik B. A. & Slavin, R. E., (1993). . Reading Research Quarterly, 28, 179-200.