
Safety Services


People with medical conditions – assessing risks

8 September 2022

You don't need a separate risk assessment for people with medical conditions. Find out how to take their needs into account when reviewing your existing risk assessments.

There is no legal requirement to carry out a specific, separate, risk assessment for people with medical conditions. However, If you become aware that somebody has a medical condition (including mental health conditions) or a disability, you should review your existing risk assessments to make sure the current control measures are adequate and will cover any additional risks that might be present for them. Workplace Health can provide specialist advice and guidance if required.


Employers need to ensure confidential and appropriate handling of ‘sensitive personal data’, which includes data about a person’s health.

Risk assessments should not contain personal information that identifies individuals.

Making reasonable adjustments

Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ is required to make reasonable adjustments to make sure that people with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, are not substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs. Reasonable adjustments can include making adjustments to premises or acquiring and modifying equipment.

> Read more about reasonable adjustments at UCL

Specialist advice

Don't make assumptions and be aware that disabilities can affect people in very individual ways. You may need specialist help to understand the effects of a person's medical condition on workplace health and safety. Workplace Health will help managers understand how to accommodate them.

> Read more about Workplace Health's services

Where can I get further information

> UCL Disability Equality
> UCL Workplace Health

Action to be taken

Departments must ensure that existing risk assessments do not identify an individual or, where an individual is identified, that the risk assessment is marked 'confidential'.


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